After almost two years in service, our website dedicated to the general public, ObservaTerre, has just undergone a major restructuring and “facelift”. This operation coincides with the site’s designation as the Year of Geosciences. We’ll tell you more about this event very soon.

Four major transformations affect this version of the website:

  • The Resources section has been completely redesigned to include search functions. It too will be enriched over time, with the latest news posted on the site’s home page.
  • A new section, “Risques telluriques en France”, on earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, tsunamis and landslides in mainland France and overseas. Still under construction, it will be fully completed shortly.
  • The pages of the former “être acteur” section have been redistributed (redirections have been made so that the old links can be completed.
  • A new page is available about the La Laigne earthquake on June 16, 2023.

Despite the care we’ve taken to check content and navigation, there may still be broken links or other problems. If you find any, we’d be grateful if you’d let us know.

Read more (french only)



Page d'accueil du site web l'ObservaTerre, version octobre 2024

L’ObservaTerre home page © Epos-france, 2024