The September 2024 Special Issue 6, Volume 27 of IEEE Instrumentation & Measurement Magazine is dedicated to ground-based gravimetric measurements. Various articles present the state of the art and emerging technologies.

It features the AQG (Absolute quantum gravimeter) quantum gravimeter. Compact and transportable, it was initially marketed by the start-up Muquans and is now sold by Exail, a company founded in association with researchers from CNRS, the Institut d’Optique Graduate School and Observatoire de Paris.

An article in this special issue of IEEE details the national organization set up in recent years with the Epos-France gravimetry action, the SNO gravimétrie and the PGravi instrument park, which includes such an AQG. This instrument, which can be easily used by operators, was borrowed to monitor the Soufrière volcano in Guadeloupe during a measurement campaign also presented in another IEEE article

These publications testify to the quality of the instrumental research and development work carried out by the French community.

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  • Sébastien Merlet, Nicolas Le Moigne, Gwendoline Pajot-Métivier, Jean-Daniel Bernard, Frédéric Little, Jean-Paul Boy, Séverine Rosat, Germinal Gabalda, Lucía Seoane, Sylvain Bonvalot, Cédric Champollion, Anthony Mémin, Marcia Maia, Olivier Charade: French Gravimetry Organization and its Instrumental Park. IEEE Instrum. Meas. Mag. 27(6): 24-31 (2024) – DOI: 10.1109/MIM.2024.10654723
  • Michel Diament, Guillaume Lion, Gwendoline Pajot-Métivier, Sébastien Merlet, Sébastien Déroussi: The AQG-B Absolute Quantum Gravimeter: A Promising Sensor for Volcano Monitoring. IEEE Instrum. Meas. Mag. 27(6): 17-23 (2024) – DOI: 10.1109/MIM.2024.10654732
Le gravimètre quantique Exail sur scène à l’EU Digital Assembly 2023 en Suède. Crédits : S. Merlet

The Exail quantum gravimeter on stage at the EU Digital Assembly 2023 in Sweden © S. Merlet