After the 1st Rencontres Epos-France and just before the publication of the first Newsletter, a new concrete stage in the construction and visibility of the Epos-France Research Infrastructure has been completed with the launch of its websites, including the one you have before you.

Until now, the www.epos- address hosted a site dedicated to French participation in EPOS. The new site, with over fifty pages in French and English, is a showcase for the infrastructure and a point of access to the data and services it provides. Some pages will be finalized in the coming days, and others will be added as the new Thematic Groups and Actions are integrated. Many thanks to all contributors and content reviewers!

Specific Action websites have also migrated to the new domain. The managers of these sites will be adapting their content over the coming weeks.

The site package is hosted on the servers of the CNRS Information Systems Department, which also recently took over management of the associated domain names. Temporary redirections have been set up for all sites. However, there is still a security alert problem when you try to reach a Résif site. Remember to correct your bookmarks and links now. The ObservaTerre website remains at

Don’t hesitate to report any link or text errors via the site’s contact form. Thank you very much!

Web sites :


Page d'accueil anglaise du site web Epos-France le jour de sa mise en ligne, le 14 décembre 2023.