The national Earth System Data Repository (EaSy Data) will be officially launched on November 6 from 3 to 4 pm at the Jardin des Plantes in Paris. The ceremony will also be broadcast by videoconference.

Since 2021, the Résif community has made a major contribution to the development of this repository, through its participation in the project group, the development of seismology vocabularies and the initial testing of the repository.

As part of the 2nd Open Science Plan, a federated national platform for research data, Recherche Data Gouv (RDG), includes a warehouse for research data for which there is no thematic or institutional solution, and a catalog for referencing data from existing trusted repositories in the national landscape. Among the trusted repositories, the EaSy Data repository, supported by the Data Terra research infrastructure and operated by BRGM, has been identified as the national thematic repository for so-called “orphan” or long-tail Earth System and Environment data.

EaSy Data provides a user-friendly interface for data deposit and retrieval. It is based on standards recognized by the Earth System and Environment communities, facilitating the discovery and reuse of deposited data. Metadata complies with FAIR principles in line with national and European recommendations. Vocabularies are used to improve the quality of dataset descriptions and guarantee a certain level of interoperability between systems. A moderation system ensures the quality of repositories.

EaSy Data makes datasets from other thematic warehouses (e.g. Seanoe, Data Indores) visible, and data stored in EaSy Data will be referenced at national level in the Data Gouv search catalog.

To find out more

Logo EaSy Data : Entrepôt national thématique des données du système Terre et de l'Environnement