Since 2007, specific research initiatives have been funded by RAP-Résif, with the support of the French Ministère de la Transition Écologique et de la Cohésion des Territoires (MTECT), through a biennial call for scientific, research and development projects. This call supports new projects that encourage collaboration between RAP partners.

The aim of the 2023 call for projects was to gather proposals for studies and research on seismic hazard and risk for the 2023-2024 period. After evaluation, the RAP committee chose to support three projects that meet the partnership criteria encouraged by the RAP, with immediate benefits for the network and its scientific community:

EMISER project

  • Evaluation of the joint use of “Generalized Inversion” and “Hybrid Site-Sur-Reference” methods for seismic microzonation.
  • Project leader Fabrice Hollender (CEA/ISTerre), partnership CEA-SESN/EdF-TEGG/ISTerre/Cerema.
  • Amount awarded 5 k€.

LUStaShake project

  • Limits or precautions for using Résif seismological station measurements (RAP and RLBP) to calculate shakemaps: assessment and recommendations.
  • Project leader Antoine Schlupp (EOST/ITES), partnership EOST/ITES/CEA/ISTerre
  • Amount awarded: 4.8 k€.

SismoCham project

  • Continuation of the seismological network around the Chamonix massif for the study of seismic hazard.
  • Leader Philippe Guéguen (ISTerre), partnership ISTerre/Géoazur/EOST
  • Amount awarded 10.2 k€.

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