After the first joint conference of the French OZCAR and German TERENO research networks in 2021 in Strasbourg, a new international meeting is o-organized in 2023 in Bonn, Germany from 25 to 28 September 2023.

The submission of abstracts is now open on the conference website.

The event will offer keynote lectures oral presentations and poster sessions on scientific research on the Critical Zone, which is the most superficial layer of the planet where all human activities concentrate.

The meeting will cover the cutting edge scientific progresses in a variety of  disciplines: hydrology, geophysics, soil sciences, geochemistry, ecology, socio-ecology and will highlight interdisciplinary research to adress critical zone functioning in the anthropocene. The meeting will also show how the use of multidisciplinary Critical Zone observatories, highly instrumented field sites where these disciplines interact and produce data and models, provide new insight for an integrated understanding of the critical zone.

Conférence web site :



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Bandeau 2e conférence Ozcar-Tereno Bonn septembre 2023