The 35th RAP Newsletter is online!

In this issue :

  • a look back at the RAP Biennial which finally took place last month,
  • a few selected photos and above all the announcement of the recipient of the 3rd prize of the
    RAP !
  • a focus on a vintage event, the 365 mega-earthquake in Crete
  • a focus on the probabilistic seismic hazard in Lebanon
  • a small presentation of the show “Sain et Sauf? to live an earthquake
  • useful links and news from the RAP.

Lettre du RAP n°35 (in french language only)

Page de garde de la 35e Lettre du Réseau accélérométrique permanent français (RAP), 2e semestre 2022

Cliquez sur l’image pour télécharger la Lettre.