The School and Observatory of Earth Sciences in Strasbourg is looking for a researcher in Earth Sciences for the construction of a reference seismicity catalog for probabilistic hazard calculations.

Apply on the CNRS job portal

The person recruited will work within the framework of the Alceste project: “Towards a better characterisation of the probabilistic seismic hazard in metropolitan France” resulting from a collaboration between the Action Transverse Sismicité de Résif and the Ministry of Ecological Transition and Territorial Cohesion. This project aims to produce an estimate of the probabilistic seismic hazard for the year 2026.

The researcher will be particularly involved in the working group “GT1 – Construction of an extended seismicity catalogue beyond borders, including historical and instrumental seismicity” coordinated by Frédéric Masson and Sophie Lambotte (EOST Strasbourg), in collaboration with IRSN. He/she will be in contact with a large number of French (academic and organisational) and international research teams.

  • Duration of the contract: 24 months
  • Hiring date: December 1st

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