The ANR project “E-City: Near-fault observation and simulation of earthquake ground motion in an urban environment” will be launched on February 15, 2022 at 2 pm.

This project aims to go beyond the current framework of seismic risk assessment, by integrating recent advances in research on seismic data observation and numerical modeling in the near-fault environment.

  • Gustave Eiffel project leader: Fabian Bonilla
  • Partners: BRGM, ENS, UGA, CNRS

To know more about the project

Project details (en bas de page)
Join the kick-off meeting of the project (February 15 at 2pm)

Proposed program

  • 14:00 Welcome and presentation of E-City, F. Bonilla (10 min)
  • 14:10 Round table of participants (5 min)

Keynote lectures

  • 14:15 The Irpinia Near‐Fault Observatory, M. Picozzi (20 min)
  • 14:35 The Quito Fault System, A. Alvarado (20 min)

WP1: Near-Fault Simulation Considering Fault Mechanics

  • 15:00 Introduction, state-of-art, purpose of WP1, H. Aochi (10 min)
  • 15:10 Dynamic rupture simulation of the Ridgecrest earthquake, T. Ulrich (20 min)
  • 15:30 Discussion (15 min). Moderator: H. Aochi

WP2: Temporal Changes of Material Properties from Earthquake Data

  • 15:50 On the monitoring of dynamic properties of the shallow crust using earthquake data, F. Bonilla (15 min)
  • 16:05 Temporal variations, recovery and in-situ stress-strain behavior of shallow materials during the Kumamoto earthquake sequence, R. Dolatabadi (20 min)
  • 16:25 Discussion (15 min). Moderator: F. Bonilla

WP3: Characterization of the Urban Ground Motion for Seismic Risk Analysis

  • 16:45 From Site-City interaction to Metacity concept, P. Guéguen (15 min)
  • 17:00 Wave propagation in locally resonant materials. From laboratory to seismic applications, Martin Lott (20 min)
  • 17:20 Discussion (15 min). Moderator: P. Guéguen


  • 17:35 Meeting rooms discussion
  • 18:30 End
E-City project organization : Near-fault observation and simulation of earthquake ground motion in an urban environment

Project organization – E-City : Near-fault observation and simulation of earthquake ground motion in an urban environment © Philippe Gueguen, ISTerre