The positions for the CNAP TI 2022 competition have been published. This year, 2 positions of physicists are vacant and 2 positions of physicist assistants are likely to be vacant.

The applications are to be made on the GALAXIE / CANOPUS interface of the Ministry of Higher Education and Research. It is recommended that candidates do not wait until the deadline to submit their application (general information on the constitution of the file is presented in the message below), in order to avoid any problem related to the saturation of the Ministry’s server.

The schedule is as follows:

  • January 3, 2022: opening of applications
  • February 28, 2022 (4:00 pm, Paris time): closing of applications.
  • April 5, 2022: pre-selection of candidates
  • May 9-13, 2022: auditions

For the attention of the CNAP-TI commission and the candidates to the competition, the CNRS-INSU, after consultation with the National Observing Services Commission (CSNO), has prioritized the 4 needs listed below for the National Observation Actions (NOA) and the National Observation Services (NOS):

  • PHAD Monitoring of sea level change or underwater geodesy – associated SNOs: SONEL and RENAG
  • PHAD Production and analysis of Shakemaps – associated SNO: BCSF-RENASS and RAP
  • PHAD Eruptive dynamics – associated SNO: SNOV
  • PHYS Responsibilities within the SNO, link with Form@ter – Associated SNO: ISDEFORM

The CNAP-TI commission would like to remind you that the main purpose of these priorities is to encourage applications in the above-mentioned fields. These colorings should in no way discourage applications in other areas because it is primarily on the basis of the excellence of their activities and research projects and the consistency of their observation and teaching projects that candidates are evaluated.

To know more about this

Galaxie portal (submission of applications)
CNRS-INSU document on priority needs (pdf)