The web space of the Active Faults France (FACT) axis of the Résif seismicity transverse action is online since December 1st.
Hosted on the website of the Observatoire des sciences de l’Univers de Montpellier, Oreme, this space allows direct access to the Neopal and BDFA databases.

Neopal, a national database of neotectonic deformations and paleoseisms, lists geological arguments of deformation more recent than two million years (neotectonic indices) in France, published in the scientific literature and evaluated by a committee of experts. Operated by BRGM and developed until 2009 in collaboration with IRSN, CEA, EDF, Eost, IPGP, University of Paris XI Orsay, University of Montpellier 2, it gathers on a map nearly 150 clues, in Metropolitan France and in the Antilles.

The BDFA, a database of potentially active faults in metropolitan France, was put online in June 2020 by the Institut de Radioprotection et de Sûreté Nucléaire (IRSN). It is a cartographic representation of the potentially active faults of the French metropolitan territory, classified according to the age of the last observed movements.

This new space thus offers a privileged entry point to the current knowledge on active faults in France.

This web space will soon be completed by an interactive database with restricted access to scientists collaborating within the FACT axis. It will gather parameters such as geometry, segmentation, kinematics, Holocene mean velocity, Pleistocene mean velocity of active faults, as well as the age and magnitude of the last earthquake, the age and magnitude of the penultimate event and the mean recurrence interval.

To know more

Carte des régions concernées par l'axe Failles actives France de Résif

Map of the regions concerned by the Active Faults France axis of the Resif Seismicity Transverse Action © Résif