The Résif Permanent Accelerometric Network opens its 7th call for scientific, research and valorization projects, with the support of the Ministry of Ecological Transition.

The purpose of this call is to collect proposals for studies and research on seismic hazard and risk for the period 2021-2022.

Proposals must be returned by June 15, 2021 (midnight) at the latest.

Since 2007, specific research actions have been funded by the RAP-Résif with the support of the Ministry of Ecological Transition (MTE) via the launch of a call for scientific, research and valorization projects. This call for proposals supports new projects that encourage collaborations between RAP partners, and therefore requires that at least two network partners be involved in each project. We are relaunching a seventh call for proposals in 2021 in order to continue this effort on collaboration between RAP partners.

The purpose of this call is to collect proposals for studies and research on seismic hazard and risk for the period 2021-2022. The proposed projects must fall within the scope of one of the scientific themes of the RAP: rupture processes (source effects), propagation and attenuation of seismic waves, local amplification effects by geology (site effects), prediction of ground motion, spatial variability of seismic motion, relationships between the various parameters of ground motion, adaptation of design spectra, dynamic behavior of structures and buildings under seismic loading, instrumentation specific to the study of seismic hazard and risk.

The RAP attaches particular importance to the development of federative programs associating several RAP partners, as well as to the way in which projects can contribute to improve the knowledge of seismic risk in France. The valorization of RAP data is also a criterion of choice, although not strictly required. Projects led by young researchers or engineers will be considered with particular attention.


The total amount of credits reserved by the MTE’s Direction Générale de la Prévention des Risques (DGPR) for this 2021 research program is €20,000. On this basis, the steering committee of this call will establish a list of selected projects as well as a financial amount allocated to each of these projects (on average 5 000 €).

The submitting organizations must be partners of the RAP-Résif or participants of the RAP and the Résif consortium.

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