2021 is the centenary year of the French Central Seismological Office, officially in charge of macro-seismic surveys in France and based at the School and Observatory of Earth Sciences in Strasbourg. On the occasion of this anniversary, the BCSF has made a collection of the different individual and communal survey forms used since 1910 and preciously kept in its archives. These documents are currently being digitized as part of a vast heritage project that aims to make them available in the Hal-Résif open archive.

These forms make it possible to collect information on seismic effects at the communal or individual scale in order to estimate the intensity of the ground shaking according to the scale used when the form was used. They were successively used by the Bureau central météorologique de France (BCMF), the Institut de physique du globe de Strasbourg (IPGS), the German Imperial Main Station for Earthquake Research in Strasbourg, the Bureau de recherches géologiques et minières (BRGM), or the BCSF. The first versions of the forms were in paper form and distributed by mail, the latest versions are mainly distributed by Internet via a collection interface on the franceseisme website.

The BCSF is strongly involved in the axis “macroseismic data, historical and contemporary seismicity” of the Resif Seismicity Transverse Action.

To know more about it


Formulaire d'enquête macrosismique créé par le BCSF en 1926 et utilisé de 1927 à 1977

Form created in 1926 or 1927 by the BCSF and used between 1927 and 1977 © BCSF/EOST