Logo RAPThe RAP has opened its 6th call for scientific, research and valorisation projects, with the support of the Ministry of Ecological and Solidarity Transition. The projects submitted to the APS were evaluated by a committee composed of 5 scientists close to the RAP and not participating in these projects.

After evaluation, this committee decided to support 5 projects submitted to the APS :

Project DEVMOD
Development of data-driven seismic motion prediction models and implications for seismic hazard estimates: application to RESIF RAP and RLBP, and RESORCE data.

Project EFFTOP
Comparison and improvement of rapid topographic amplification estimation techniques.

Project KUMA21
Kumamoto Benchmark 2021.

Project ENRICA
Towards an enrichment of the characterization of RAP stations : analysis of existing data and testing of new approaches.

Project INSTAL
Evaluation of the impact of station installation conditions (accelerometric and seismological) on the high-frequency measurement of seismic movements and proposals for improving practices.

For more details on these projects, do not hesitate to read the RAP Newsletter n°29.

The committee emphasizes the high quality of the projects received, which meet the partnership criteria encouraged by the RAP and whose benefits for the network and the community will be significant and immediate.
However, the RAP is not in a position to support the full amounts requested for these five projects. The committee therefore encourages the teams to seek co-funding that will enable them to achieve all the given objectives.