Dixième colloque national de l'AFPSThe French Association of Seismic Engineering (AFPS), in association with Eost, is organizing its tenth National Symposium, AFPS’19, in Strasbourg.

The AFPS’19 Colloquium is entitled “Society in the face of seismic risk : knowledge, protection and crisis management“.

This conference, open to all, encourages exchanges between the various actors concerned by seismic risk : public authorities, civil security, insurers, researchers, architects, engineers, etc.

For the general public, a space will be dedicated to raising awareness of seismic risk and disseminating knowledge.

Visite the webiste of the AFPS’19

Three main themes will be highlighted at the 2019 edition of the AFPS Colloquium :

  • Prevention, Seismic Risk, Crisis Management and Society
  • Earth Sciences
  • Engineering Sciences