Detailed programme and workshop report

Workshop presentations

  • Introduction and Practitioner Side Alea – Animation : S. Mazzotti

– Introduction of the workshop – Practice of seismic hazard in metropolitan France: exploited data and future developments – H. Jomard, O. Scotti
– Seismic Hazard Studies in Industry: Principles, Limitations and Prospects – K. Manchuel, C. Durouchoux, P. Traversa, D. Sicilia, G. Senfaute, E. Nayman, V. Sellier


  • Basic data at the French level – Animation : M. Belvaux & F. Masson

– Seismic alea in France: current limits of knowledge of potential sources and uncertainties about past earthquakes – A. Schlupp
– The SI-Hex magnitude – M. Cara, O. Sèbe, M. Denieul, A. Schlupp
– Seismicity catalogue from macro-seismic intensity data: propagation of uncertainties – L. Provost, O. Scotti
– Variations in the stress field of Western France – Confrontation of mechanisms at the focus with tectonic structures – D. Do Pacon L. Bollinger, A. Guilhem, P. Roudil, M. Grunberg
– A three-dimensional model of crustal seismic velocities under Western France and surrounding regions – I. Gaudot, E. Beucler, A. Mocquet, M. Drilleau, M. Bonnin, M. Haugmard


  • Parametrization of seismogenic sources – Animation : M. Ferry & H. Jomard

– The Challenges of Simulation Hazard Assessment in Stable Continental Regions – T. Camelbeeck, K. Vanneste, B. Vleminckx, S. Stein
– Constraining seismogenic potentiel in an intraplate domain. Examples of methods and limitations from the Jasneuf Fault (Western Alps, France) and the Toulaud Fault (Massif Central, France) – J. Billant, O. Bellier, F. Thomas, V. Godard, J.C. Hippolyte, P. Dussouillez, F. Hollender, K. Manchuel
– Use of Frequency-Magnitude distributions on active faults using the method of Anderson and Luco (1983) for PSHAs: tests on the island of Hispaniola in the West Indies – D. Bertil


  • What data/ideas for the future? – Animation : C. Sue & O. Scotti

-Contribution of numerical modelling to the study of seismicity and seismic hazard in France – S. Mazzotti, Géosciences Montpellier / University of Montpellier
– Present-day uplift of the western Alps – C. Sue, J.-M. Nocquet, A. Walpersdorf, T. Tran, N. Lenôtre, P. Vernant, M. Cushing, F. Jouanne, F. Masson, S. Baize, J. Chéry, P. A. Van der Beek
– Should we fear a big earthquake in the Ubaye valley ? – F. Courboulex, C. Larroque, H. Jomard, L. De Barros, A. Helmstetter, E. Bertrand and participants in the BACRI project.
– Stress permutations and moderate earthquakes occurrence in Charente (central western France) – Y. Mazabraud, B. Delouis, N. Béthoux
– Recurrence of major earthquakes in France: characterisation and quantification of seismic risk in the Vendée region using a multidisciplinary approach – C. Kaub, L. Geoffroy, J. Perrot, C. Authermayou, L. Bollinger, H. Hebert, P. Leroy, D. Graindorge
– A New Paradigm for Large Earthquakes in Stable Continental Plate Interiors – E. Calais, T. Camelbeek, S. Stein, M. Liu, T. J. Craig